Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request access to the portal or API?
Only contracted Participants are granted access to the portal or API. Please visit the website for information on flexibility services and how to become a service provider.
What is the CSV format for uploading meter readings?

The preferred way of submitting readings is in real time via the Participant API. However, Participants can also upload a CSV via the portal: API Testing > Readings > Upload CSV...

Invoices are generated on the 15th of every month. This means you have until the 15th before the previous month is finalised. You can still submit readings for finalised months, but invoices will not be updated. If you need invoices to be updated with your new readings, please contact the relevant Operator.

If a Meterable Unit is configured with a Metering Granularity of Half-Hourly, then timestamps must be at 00 and 30 minutes past the hour.

Timestamps in the CSV are in UTC. Please note that they refer to the minute or half-hour ending at the timestamp. Also, care should be taken with Daylight Savings Time changes.

Positive power/energy values indicate generation (export to grid) and negative values indicate demand (import from grid).

Power readings example csv file
Energy readings example csv file

What is the format for uploading Time-Series Baselines?

For a more “sculpted” baseline the user can upload a CSV that details the baseline on a minute-by-minute or half-hourly basis.

The file format is a CSV with the following columns: day_of_week, local_time, power_kw. We call these “templates” because the template is applied and repeated every week.

  • local_time is local (London) time – just the time component, not date. It starts at 00:00 which relates to the minute or half-hour beginning at 00:00 local time and ends at 23:59 or 23:30 depending on the chosen granularity. Note the timestamp indicates the start of the minute or half-hour block, not the end of the period as is the case with the Participant API for submitting readings.
  • power_kw is the baseline value. Positive values indicate generation (export to grid) and negative values indicate demand (import from grid).

The CSV file is uploaded in the Meterable Units page, which may be restricted depending on the DNO. The uploaded file will apply for the current service week onwards.

Daylight Savings Time clock changes: On the day that local clocks jump from 1am to 2am, Flexible Power will not use the template values between 1am and 2am. On the day that local clocks jump back from 2am back to 1am, Flexible Power will use the template values between 1am and 2am twice.

Example CSV templates can be downloaded here:

How should participants contact us with problems?
For faults or issues with the portal or API affecting the delivery of flexibility services, please refer to the Operator contacts agreed in your contract. If you have questions about flexible power in general or about becoming a service provider and cannot find the information you need online, please see
How is a minute defined in the API?
For the reading 2018-02-28T16:41:00Z, the power reading should be the average power consumption of the participant's sites in that zone from 16:40:00 (inclusive) to 16:41:00 (exclusive)
How can I correct performance data?
Although missing readings can be resubmitted through the API at any time, backfilled or corrected data will not be recognised for billing purposes unless a re-submission request is raised. Please refer to the Operator contacts agreed in your contract.
What flex products are supported by Flexible Power?
Flex Product / ProgrammeFP NameFP Dispatch ID
Secure Secure secure
Dynamic Dynamic dynamic
Restore Restore restore
Sustain Sustain sustain
Secure (auction) Secure (auction) secure
Dynamic (auction) Dynamic (auction)dynamic
Scheduled Availability + Operational Utilisation (2 mins) SAOU_2 SAOU_2
Scheduled Availability + Operational Utilisation (Day Ahead)SAOU_DA SAOU_DA
Scheduled Utilisation (Settlement Periods) SU_SEP SU_SEP
Scheduled Utilisation (Specific Periods) SU_SPP SU_SPP
Operational Utilisation (2 mins) OU_2 OU_2
Operational Utilisation (15 mins) OU_15 OU_15
Operational Utilisation (Week Ahead) OU_WA OU_WA
Variable Availability + Operational Utilisation (2 mins) VAOU_2 VAOU_2
Variable Availability + Operational Utilisation (15 mins) VAOU_15 VAOU_15
Variable Availability + Operational Utilisation (Day Ahead) VAOU_DA VAOU_DA
Variable Availability + Operational Utilisation (Week Ahead)VAOU_WA VAOU_WA
Peak Reduction PR PR